Sand Hill Church of Christ
"The One Is The One"
I Corinthians 12:12-14
“We Ain't Got No Time”
Mark 8:17-21
“The Revealing of the Church”
Revelations 1:1-8
“Misunderstanding Him/Misunderstanding Us”
John 10:1-19
Homecoming - “Salvation is Yours if…”
Jeremiah 7:1-7
“Salvation is Yours if…”
“If You Love Me, Feed My Sheep”
John 21:15-17
“We All Belong to God”
Romans 14:7-14
"Are Your Treasures In Heaven or on Earth?
Matthew 6:19-24
“Listen to the Body”
Romans 12:9-18
“When You Let Jesus In The House”
Luke 19:1-10
“What Did God Tell You To Do”
I Kings 13:6-10
“Looking Back”
Luke 9:61-62